Jar Coffee
Meet our local coffee roasters Sonja Huber and Brian Short, they produce Jar Coffee which is available at Monashee Community Co-op.
Sonja holding a jar of their first roasted coffee beans. Brian with the new coffee roaster arriving.
After many years of coffee roasting for their friends and family, they purchased a custom-made commercial roaster in 2015 and started experimenting through the winter. They use organic and fair-trade beans whenever possible, from around the world. They go to Vancouver regularly to “cup” different beans from all over the world. “Cupping” is the way that coffee buyers sample different kinds of coffee. A tiny bowl of lightly roasted coffee is infused by a small amount of hot water. This makes it easier to really taste the subtleties and possibilities within each roast. Subsequent darker roasting then brings out the qualities you are looking for. Like wine tasting, one tastes the coffee and then spits it out – otherwise, you will be completely wired for two days afterwards!
Sonja operating the coffee roaster. Coffee beans cooling off in the roaster.
When Sonja and Brian roast the wonderful smell of coffee goes wafting downs the valley. There first blend was ‘The Duke of Earl’ and since then they have 6 roasts, all of which are available at the Monashee Community Co-op. They decided upon the co-op because they appreciate the MCC efforts to bring local vendors and community members together. Prior to the co-op, they found it very difficult to find local, organic products. Trying to have a lighter carbon footprint, travelling to Vernon or beyond felt like a step backwards, so they were delighted when the co-op was established.
Connect with Jar Coffee
Website: theloghouse.ca/jar-coffee/