Bagging & Pricing
Volunteers can come in any day we are open and do bagging, weighing and pricing. 4 hours/week.
Beautification Committee
Seasonal decoration Variable hours
Board Members
Respond to the needs and requests of membership; implements changes; creates policies; develops business and marketing plans and long-term planning; approves various activities of committees; represents the co-op in public forums and events. 3 hour monthly board meetings, on-line discussion and actions. 6-8 hours a month.
Bulk Ordering person
Takes special orders from members; brings in large amounts of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Variable hours.
Check out groceries, tell people about sales and events, educate about the co-op and its products, be a communications hub, restock shelves, clean, packaging, labelling, answer phone, call vendors, have fun. 4.5 hour/week.
Cashier scheduler
Sends out weekly schedule and calls for filling open positions; the initial contact person for those interested in volunteer cashiering. Records 2nd shifts for volunteers. 1 hour/week
Putting up news, ideas, sales on the facebook page and website. 1-2 hours/week
IT person
The internet or computer issues, manages data repository. Variable hours
Inventory Checking
For expiring products, those not selling well, year end inventory-taking. 2-4 hours/week
Landlord Contact
Communicates with landlord about emergencies, large repair issues or changes to our contract. Variable hours
Works with main person on the building, repairs, dealing with appliances, defrosting. Variable hours
Write articles for the Lumby Valley Times, newsletter, Facebook page and the website; creation of signs, marketing plans, ads, promotional activities. 4 – 16 hours/month. Variable
Membership & Filing Organization
Keeps track of new members and inputting data; organizing files for various areas of operation. Variable hours
Putting together the monthly newsletter, including news, sales, educational articles, photos of events, etc. 6 hours/month
With other organizations locally and regionally by attending and presenting at events, talking to interested parties. Variable
Ordering Person
Makes weekly purchases with suppliers based on supply and demand; introduces new products; responds to member recommendations; does pricing. 16 hours/month.
Order Pick-ups
From Vernon, Armstrong, and surrounding areas. 2 hours/week. Variable
Produce Management
Organizing, preparing and displaying produce as it comes in weekly. 2 – 4 hours/week
Putting together the monthly newsletter, including news, sales, educational articles, photos of events, etc. 6 hours/month
Receiving Orders
Wednesdays between 12 – 5. Moving boxes, checking that the order matches what comes in, bagging, weighing, pricing. 4 hours/week.
Shelving/signage & labeling
Clear printing ability needed. Variable hours/week
Special Events
Promotion events, participate in and co-ordinate community events; help with garage sales, silent auctions, setting up social events for membership such as walks, potlucks, parties, musical events; organize monthly or semi-monthly workshops. Variable hours. 16 hours/month
Store Cleaning
The work includes a thorough cleaning of the public and private space of the entire building. 4 hours/week.
Towel Washing
This is done weekly. 1.5 hours/week
Consigner Liaison
Contact between the Co-op and local vendors; approves new consigners as per Consigner Policy; discusses and negotiates product quality, pricing, delivery, merchandising; works with Purchaser and volunteers regarding receiving freight, stocking shelves, determining item placement on shelves, shelf labeling, signage and inventory control. Hours are variable. 16 hours/month.
Vendor Payouts
Calculating what each vendor receives in payment, writing cheques and putting them in vendor files. 4 hours at end of month.
Volunteer Liaison
Present ideas and difficulties that the volunteers may experience to the board to consider or solve. Puts up weekly volunteer notices, sets up quarterly volunteer meetings and get-togethers seasonally, organizes weekly volunteer raffle, ombudsman. 1-2 hours/week
Volunteer Trainer
Trains new volunteers; makes recommendations to the board regarding changes and improvements to the process. 4 hours/week.
Website Master
Updates and content to the site. Variable hours
Weekly Inventory Person
Records the number of all products in the store. Helps the cashier with their work. 4 hours/week.
Welcoming Person
Calls every new member to welcome and get to know them; orients them about the benefits of the Co-op, how the Co-op is different than a regular business and volunteer opportunities.Variable hours.